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Group Calls

Experience what aids and strengthens you

If you have a spiritually minded group that would like to experience transformation with Robert, Group Calls are the ideal means.

Robert’s group calls are a special safe harbor for those…

All in a welcoming, interactive environment, focused on the wisdoms and shifts needed by the group and each participant.


What to Expect

No one is asked to share anything too sensitive. No one is made to feel small in anyway.

Robert provides a graceful, loving environment established through a deep connection to the group.
The call usually lasts a minimum of an hour and continues until everyone who would like to work with Robert one-on-one has the opportunity to.   The call can last over 2 hours based on the group, though we attempt to keep it within 2 hours.
Calls are usually a teleseminar or Zoom call, whichever your group prefers.

If you’ve never participated in a group call with Robert, please listen to a few excerpts from previous calls below:


What Needs to be Spoken

Robert connects with the needs of the group in a discerning, magical way so that every call may take on its own special direction.

Likewise, Robert connects to each participant so that the aha moments increase exponentially and all benefit from group level and personal insights.

Example of issues assisted for listeners as group call proceeds:

Example of benefits gained while Robert works with group:

What Needs to be Transformed

If there is something you want improved in your life, Robert will pin-point and transform the things needing to be resolved, improving the situation for the individual and all present.

Example of benefits gained while Robert works with group:

Please Note
This call is not to convince skeptics but to pinpoint the specific needs of the group and each individual and resolve them.