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Increasing Consciousness through Body Energetics, Wisdom and Love

Connect with and live your sacred covenant, your destiny. Expand your awareness and consciousness by gaining the tools to fully empower you in this reality.

This is an experiential and informational program, transcending you beyond into new potentials, new openings and connections.
Go beyond conventional spiritual traditions & practices, align with your sacred heritage & destiny, to increase your consciousness, vibration & Light.
Plus, clear many limiting factors keeping you from expressing and Being You!

Experience & Learn

Complete the program being more Light, more free, more aligned, more able, more connected, and more conscious!

Program includes a FREE copy of “The Spirituality of Success – Discover the Secrets that are Blocking You from Ultimate Success & the Life You Desire.”.


Robert Invites You to Increase Your Consciousness

The Program Includes Five Modules

Module 1

Establishing the I AM Consciousness Body Energetics

Encompassed in this section is a foundation practice and wisdom to align your consciousness and energy to live who you came here to BE. Revealed are current scientific research and ancient wisdoms coupled with some insights you have probably never heard of before like how to integrate and reset your body, mind, spirit, life force, biology and DNA, and your energy field.

Your life will be greatly enhanced as you establish the I AM consciousness throughout your body energetics and doing it in union with The Divine. This will ensure that you live the life you expected to live coming to this planet, because you are creating an energetic union and alignment with The Divine. Your consciousness and life path will align and unfold accordingly to this dynamic.

Module 2

Your Vortex – Keeping You Strongly in It

Many of you may be familiar with Abraham Hicks and the guidance of staying in your vortex. Your vortex is your own aligned energy field dynamics. This section provides you with detailed guidance of how to detect if something is limiting or affecting you to where you are not fully in your vortex. This is a wealth of information with a Connection Practice that will bolster your energy and keep you strongly in your vortex. Yay!

Covered in this section is key transformational wisdom on what it truly takes to raise and sustain your frequency, which I can pretty much guarantee you have never heard of before. You will learn that consciousness is the fundamental essence of all that is and that consciousness is energetic too. This is why understanding more about vibrational frequency is good to know. Plus, understanding how we may be doing compassion for another may actually be greatly affecting us.

Module 3

5D Authentic Stargate – The King’s Chamber in the Giza Pyramid

Heaven on Earth…Is it possible? Well, you will find out as you journey in this section! In this section, we will explain how consciousness leaders have explained the 5th Dimension, 5D. Plus, you will experience 5D yourself! One of reasons the Giza Pyramid was built in Egypt was to ground the frequencies of Heaven on Earth and in us for us to embody and live in! Some of our ancestors did live it and it is here again for us, now!

The King’s Chamber in the Giza Pyramid was an initiation and enhancement chamber, not a tomb! This is an authentic 5D Stargate. When you experience this section’s Connection Practice you be initiated and gain access to this 5D Stargate anywhere and anytime you want. How awesome is that!

Module 4

The purpose of this section is to get you to Show Up in the world. To live the Real You, not a you defined by another, a culture, your past or an identity of who you think you should be. So much enlightening information and tools to un-weave the energetics of consciousness that have kept you limited or living a life that is not your life. To BE seen, heard, felt, acknowledged, accepted, and loved will become your new norm. You will be given access to wisdom that you wish you had years ago and you will see how we lock into things that create consciousness “structures,” and as the word “structures” suggests your beingness becomes limited and affixed within that structure. This is not freedom and even though you may think your free, what you will discover is that your consciousness has created structures that you live by. Time to understand more and how to unweave consciousness so you can be more at peace and living You.

Module 5


The 2nd habit of Highly Effective People is “Begin with the end in Mind” as described in Steven Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  The core of this section is to take you through a divinely guided experience I had at 3:22 in the morning. This Connection Practice is called “Completion” and that is the energetics and consciousness that you will be aligned with as your beginning point journeying in this existence.  

Imagine being aligned with the energy of the highest frequency completion of you and with this being integrated in your body energetics and consciousness you will for sure complete the journey you set out to complete in this incarnation on Earth! You will also learn how to quickly reinforce these energetics every day.

This section is a great way to end this incredible course on your way of living and completing your destiny