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Plug In

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Visit the Transform Your Life Page for links to specific resources aligned with a variety of topics and circumstances.

Visit the Work with Robert page to learn more about the process Robert uses to assist you in your transformation.

Join our email list to receive updates, special offers, and additional resources to aid your growth to self-mastery.

Visit the Evolution of You Starter Pack page for a special low cost starter pack organized (less than $5) specifically chosen to jumpstart your transformation.


Go Deeper

Explore programs on

Please find deeper and more structured step-by-step training and guidance under Programs on the main website menu.



Connect with Robert using several different methods

Connect Bi-Monthly

Evolution of You (LIVE)

Twice a month we’ll enter a sacred space where I’ll connect to the needs of the whole group and you individually. That space is special and magical, but most importantly its focused on what you need.

Join the calls live or listen to them on-demand anytime.  

1-on-1 with Robert

Schedule a 1-on-1 call with Robert
If you need transformation in your life…skip the working and waiting… Let’s Just Shift It! and achieve the resets you need.

Click the button below to learn more and schedule your call with Robert.  

Inspirational Message

Receive a special timely personal inspirational message

Robert will connect with you and send a timely, personal and inspirational message just for you to your mobile device or email. 


New Group Calls 

Have your group work with Robert
Find what aids you.  Grow even more through what aids the group.

Getting Plugged In (Raise Awareness)

Advancing Life Library  & Daily Practices are described here.  Daily Sessions is easiest way to begin adding wisdoms live with Robert.  (These are recorded so you can access them anytime as well)

Invite people to have 1 on 1 session with you – more details below.  

Invite people to listen to previous calls to understand the immediate impact and personal focus of Robert’s work for you.  

Easiest way to plug in right away 

Join Advancing Life Network today for free access to several of my most popular insights

Self Mastery (Consciousness)

Yuen Method described here and linked to  – features self paced training modules in three areas with weekly access to calls with Robert

Mastery Intensive (Consistency)

EOY here – This is an “intensive” program that will provide you the opportunity to shift your life and get in the alignment of who you really are and begin to live it! Each week there will be a practice (meditation like) that is extremely life-changing and empowering that you will listen to at least once a day for each day of the week until the next week

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